Terms & Policies

Terms & Conditions of Saving the Blue, Inc.

Payment Policy

a. 20% ($600) nonrefundable deposit of the total cost is required to secure a position with us.

b. A 20% deposit will hold reservation until 90 days prior to the expedition departure date when the balance is to be paid.

c. Full payment balance is due 90 days before departure date.

d. We reserve the right to sell any position that is not paid in full by 90 days before departure date.

e. A surcharge of 2.2% applies to payments by PayPal, and $30 fee to cover our costs to receive a wire.

f. Specific terms apply to group bookings and private charter. Please contact for deposit and payment details.


Date Transfers

a. Deposit is fully transferable to any other allowable later date (once) until 90 days before boarding; a $50 admin fee will apply.

b. No date transfer less than 90 days.



a. No refund is made due to unforeseen mechanical breakdown of the vessel, medical reasons affecting yourself, other passengers or crew, adverse weather conditions or other maritime and fundamental safety considerations.

b. No refund is given for no or limited wildlife activity.

c. No refund is given for research permitting delays, and/or issue of permit/s.



a. Greater than 90 days - deposit fee of $600 is forfeited.

d. Less than 90 days, forfeit 100% of trip fee per person.


Purchase Travel Insurance Or Accept Financial Risk

a. I (the passenger) understand unforeseen work, medical or airline problems may cause me to cancel a trip.

b. Compensation for trip cancellation or lost/damaged bags and/or equipment due to any reason must be claimed against travel insurance.

c. Weather problems may cause the itinerary to be changed or cancelled. No compensation is offered to change flights or holiday plans.

d. No refund is offered for time lost due to the medical evacuation of a passenger or crew, or reduction of dives due to bad weather.


Equipment Agreement

a. I (the passenger) agree to reimburse Saving the Blue, Inc. for any of their camera or diving equipment lost or damaged whilst in my care.


Medical Statement

a. I (the passenger) state that I am in good health for snorkeling and >4hrs at sea.

b. I will declare to Saving the Blue if I have asthma, diabetes, epilepsy, narcolepsy, a heart disorder or any other condition or disease that I believe will affect my ability on an expedition.

c. I will not dive (apnea) on your expedition if I am feeling unwell or I have a chest cold or respiratory congestion.

d. I understand if I have any medical condition contrary to these requirements I must produce a diving medical certificate completed by a diving medical specialist.


Medical Evacuation

a. Saving the Blue requires DAN insurance for our research expeditions to cover any medical or transport arrangement in the case of a snorkeling related or any other type of emergency.

b. I (the passenger) confirm that I do have the necessary insurance or alternatively I give my authorization to Saving the Blue to make medical and transport arrangements as may be determined in my best interest.

c. I agree to pay all expenses incurred on my behalf, which may be charged against my credit card or other arrangement, i.e. bank transfer.


Image Release

a. I (the passenger) authorize Saving the Blue to use as they see fit any photographic, video or digital images taken on an expedition in which I appear or have supplied to Saving the Blue.


Single Travelers

a. The Saving the Blue will look to room share same gender single travelers but this cannot be guaranteed unless sole occupancy is taken.

b. Single occupancy accommodation is available at an additional for $295 for the trip duration.


Discharge of Liability

I (the passenger) understand that I must sign a liability indemnity form prior to undertaking any activities on the research expedition.