Annie Guttridge

Annie Guttridge

from $14.00

Title: Protect Me

Subject: Lemon shark, Negaprion brevirostris

Location: The Bahamas

Photographer: Annie Guttridge,, @annieguttridge on social media platforms.

Annie has always dived and possessed a keen interest in the ocean from an incredibly young age. Her real passion and love, however, has always been sharks. Annie is a passionate marine advocate, educator, field technician, and freediving underwater photographer. Her work has been featured by popular brands such as National Geographic and Discovery Channel, and her passion and ambition to help save our oceans has seen her donate imagery to conservationists, scientists, enthusiasts, children and schools to inspire the next generation. Lastly, she is the president of Saving the Blue.

About the image: “To capture this image I spent hours upon hours standing in the same spot waiting for a shark to approach, I chose not to use bait to keep the image and moment as natural as possible, however in doing so my time spent waiting was some 30+ hours instead of just a few! My patience and persistence paid off when a shark bold enough to approach decided to swim within a few feet of me allowing me to capture this shot, Protect Me. The title was given for both the shark and the important mangroves they, along with an abundance of life, refuge in. The day I captured this image the wind was almost nonexistent, however with mosquitos everywhere and my body was covered in bites within minutes of walking out in the shallows. I almost turned back, however my stubbornness won and my patience paid off when I saw a little shark swimming towards me at just the right angle, I remember thinking ‘keep coming’ ‘keep coming’ as it approached and bingo, I got the shot” – Annie Guttridge

Print Options

Professional Photographic Prints: Professional quality photo prints are similar to what you would print yourself, however the end result is much higher. The finish for all photographic prints is Luster. Luster is a hybrid of glossy and matte prints. This finish provides the benefits of both styles; it delivers bright colors, yet, it is not as shiny as glossy paper.

Giclee Fine Art Prints: Choose Giclee for the highest quality custom art printing. Images are printed on Low Texture Hahnemühle Bamboo 290, 100% archival fine art paper for a luxurious finish.

Metal Prints: Metal Prints are created by infusing images onto glossy white aluminum and are therefore vibrant and hard-wearing. Metal prints are durable, water-resistant and easy to clean. An aluminum wall float fixture is included for sizes 8×10 and up.
